miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2007

You know you've lived in Spain when...PART 2

21) You know that after 2pm there's no point in going shopping, youmight as well just have a siesta until 5 when the shops re-open.
22) If anyone insults your mother, they better watch out...
23) You know how to change a bombona. And if you don't, you wereeither lazy or lucky enough to live somewhere nice.
24) It's not rude to answer the intercom to your flat by asking'Quien?' (or maybe that was just my flatmate...)
25) You don't accept beer that's anything less than ice-cold.
26) The fact that all the male (or female) members of a family havethe same first name doesn't surprise you.
27) The sound of mopeds in the background is the soundtrack to your life.
28) You know that the mullet didn't just happen in the 80s. It isalive and well in Spain.
29) You know the differenc between cojones and cajones, tener calorand estar caliente, bacalao and bakalao, pollo and polla, estar hechopolvo and echar un polvo...and maybe you learned the differences thehard way!
30) On a Sunday morning, you have breakfast before going to bed, notafter you get up.
31) You don't see anything wrong with having a couple of beers in themorning if you feel like it.
32) Floors in certain bars are an ideal dumping ground for yourcolillas, servilletas etc. Why use a bin?!
33) You see clapping as an art form, not just a way to express approval.
34) You know ensaladilla rusa has nothing to do with Russia.
35) When you burst out laughing every time you see a Mitsubishi Pajero(thanks Stuart Line for reminding me of that one!)
36) You have friends named Jesus, Jose Maria, Maria Jose, Angel, maybe even Inmaculada Concepcion...
37) You know that 'ahora' doesn't really mean now. Hasta ahora, ahoravuelvo...etc
38)When you make arrangements to meet friends at 3, the first person
39) Central heating is most definitely a foreign concept. In winter, you just huddle around the heater under the table & pull the blanket up over your knees...and sleep with about 5 blankets on your bed!
40) Most women under 30 own a pair of those attractive 'Aladdin' style trousers with the crotch around the knees (you know what I mean!)

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